Category Archives: Question & Answer

The Only Sauna and Cold Plunge Protocol You’ll Need

Seen the explosion of sauna and cold plunge content lately but feeling skeptical? 

Wondering if it’s worth the investment or just another wellness fad? I had the same questions when I started my journey 15 years ago. 

In this post, I’ll share how contrast therapy transformed my physical and mental health, the simple protocols I follow, and budget-friendly alternatives to expensive equipment. Whether you’re battling anxiety, low energy, or just want to optimize your health, the benefits of alternating heat and cold exposure might surprise you.

Health is our most precious asset, yet many of us neglect it until problems arise. As the Dalai Lama wisely noted, “We sacrifice our health in order to make wealth. Then we sacrifice our wealth in order to get back our health.” This paradox hit home for me during my darkest periods struggling with anxiety and depression. I found myself willing to spend any amount to reclaim my wellbeing. Why do we wait until we’re at our lowest before investing in health practices that could prevent decline in the first place?

My contrast therapy journey began at BRC Spa, a Russian bathhouse in Fairlawn. The place intimidated me at first—saunas reaching 250 degrees and cold plunges that felt below freezing. 

For years, I visited weekly, sometimes daily, during my worst mental health struggles. It became my sanctuary, providing relief when nothing else seemed to help. I developed a simple protocol: stay in the sauna as long as comfortable, then endure ten breaths in the cold plunge. One cycle equals one “inning,” with nine innings as the goal. No timers, no pressure—just listening to my body.

Recently, I installed a cold plunge at home and began experimenting with cold exposure without prior heat. Despite being terrified of cold (those who follow my Instagram have seen my morning “negotiations”), I challenged myself to 60-second morning plunges for 65 consecutive days. What followed surprised me: instant energy, improved mental clarity, reduced anxiety, and enhanced physical vitality. 

Another protocol shared by elite coach Randy Huntington involves counting sweat drops in the sauna (25, 50, 75, then 100), alternating with three-minute cold plunges.

The transformation has been remarkable. Cold plunging without sauna beforehand—something I never thought I’d willingly do—has become a cornerstone of my morning routine. I follow cold exposure with 2-5 minutes of barefoot grounding on grass without drying off, regardless of outdoor temperature. The energy and mental clarity benefits appeared immediately, while vitality improvements became noticeable after about ten consecutive days. Whether it’s decreased inflammation, increased testosterone, improved circulation, or reduced stress, the results speak for themselves.

Ready to experience these benefits? Here’s how to start:

  • Begin with contrast therapy if you’re new – the sauna makes cold plunging much easier
  • Try the simple “innings” protocol: sauna until comfortable, cold plunge for ten breaths
  • Can’t afford equipment? Use a garbage can filled with ice or frozen water bottles
  • Consider freezer chest conversions as a middle-ground solution
  • Start with just 60 seconds of cold exposure if doing it without sauna
  • Remember the Dalai Lama’s wisdom – investing in your health now prevents costly recovery later

Want more help? 
If you’re in North Jersey and you want to try a FREE class with us at Freak Strength, click here now:

The Only Diet Guide You’ll Ever Need: From Overwhelm to Quick Fat Loss

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the endless parade of diet options? 

Keto, vegan, carnivore, Zone, South Beach, paleo—the list goes on and on. 

With so much contradictory information out there, it’s no wonder people struggle to make progress. If you’re tired of diet confusion and ready for a simple approach that actually works, I’ve got good news. After years of training elite athletes and testing numerous approaches on myself, I’ve discovered that the most effective weight loss strategy isn’t complicated at all.

The internet has become a battleground of nutritional extremism. One “expert” screams that kale is bullshit while another insists sugar causes cancer. Meanwhile, someone else argues you can eat Twinkies and lose weight “as long as it fits your macros.” 

Open any social media app, and you’re immediately hit with a tsunami of conflicting advice—colon cleanses, ketones, herbal teas, and countless diet protocols promising miraculous results. It’s exhausting and confusing. Worse yet, following this contradictory advice leads many people to bounce from diet to diet, never seeing lasting results and potentially damaging their relationship with food in the process.

I’ve been there myself. During my college days as an athlete, I went to extreme lengths with my nutrition. I weighed every piece of food, calculated precise macronutrient ratios, and timed my meals down to the minute. I’d wake up at 4:30 AM just to drink a protein shake before going back to sleep. 

My diet was meticulously planned—40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat. I consumed between 3,200 and 4,000 calories daily, divided into at least five meals. I took multivitamins, fish oils, adrenal supports, pre-workout supplements, and ZMAs for sleep. It worked—I got lean and strong enough to become a two-time All-American and was later inducted into my college Hall of Fame for baseball. But I was also “a little bit out of my mind,” as I admit in the video.

I’ve learned something surprising: even elite performers don’t need or want that level of complexity. What works best, even for gold medalists and future Hall of Famers, is simplicity. 

At our facility, we break nutrition down to just two factors: source and size. Instead of obsessing over macros and calorie counting (which is overwhelming and unsustainable for most people), we focus on food quality and portion control using intuitive measurements.

This simplified approach has transformed how our clients approach nutrition. For weight loss clients, we start with “Level One,” which focuses solely on food sources. We provide a list of approved foods (primarily unprocessed options) and tell them to eat whatever they want from that list. 

For those ready for more structure, “Level Two” introduces our hand-based measurement system: a piece of meat the size of your palm, a handful of vegetables, a handful of fruit, and if needed, a thumb-sized portion of fat for each meal. 

Combined with three days of resistance training per week and 8,000-10,000 daily steps, this straightforward method delivers consistent results without the stress and complexity of traditional dieting.

If you want to implement this approach yourself, here are the key takeaways:

  • Focus on food quality first—choose foods that “walk the earth, grow on the earth, or swim the sea”
  • Use your hand as a measuring tool: palm-sized protein, handful of vegetables, handful of fruit, and a thumb of fat per meal
  • Eat 3 meals daily for faster weight loss or 4-5 meals for a more moderate pace
  • Combine with 3 days of resistance training weekly and 8,000-10,000 steps daily
  • Avoid ultra-processed foods, which research shows lead to overeating and weight gain
  • Keep it simple and sustainable—complicated approaches rarely last

Want more help? 

If you’re in North Jersey and you want to try a FREE class with us at Freak Strength, click here now:

The KEY to a good nights sleep

Struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep? You’re not alone. Even top athletes struggle with consistent, quality sleep. In this video, we’re sharing eight actionable tips to help you finally get a good night’s rest.

It might surprise you to learn that sleep issues plague everyone from average Joes to Olympic champions. We’ve worked with thousands of people over the years, and one common thread is the struggle for optimal sleep. It’s crazy that we need advice for something as primal as sleeping!

It’s not just about feeling tired

Think about your sleep over the past few nights. Were you consistently getting a solid 8 hours? Or closer to 6, 5, or even less? The statistics are alarming: sleeping less than 6 hours drastically increases your risk of car accidents, heart disease, and even impacts your hormones, weight, and gut health. Sleep is crucial for both physical and mental well-being.

Let’s dive deeper

In a previous video, we touched on sleep’s role in weight loss, but now we’re diving deeper. Here are eight simple yet effective strategies to improve your sleep:

  1. Consistent Bedtime: Your body thrives on routine. Going to bed at the same time every night helps regulate your circadian rhythm and improves sleep quality.
  2. Caffeine Curfew: Avoid caffeine close to bedtime. It seems obvious, but many people underestimate its lingering effects. Caffeine’s half-life can be several hours, meaning that evening coffee might still be affecting you when you try to sleep.
  3. Pre-Bedtime Fasting: Try not to eat 4-6 hours before bed. Digesting food during sleep can elevate your heart rate and disrupt deep sleep.
  4. Lower Protein at Dinner: Heavy protein meals require more energy to digest. Opt for lighter options, perhaps focusing on carbs and fats in the evening.
  5. Temperature Control: A cool room (60-67°F) is ideal for sleep. A warm shower can help regulate your body temperature.
  6. Slow Your Heart Rate: Practice slow, controlled breathing exercises before bed. A simple 2-2-10-2 breathing pattern (inhale, pause, exhale, pause) can help calm your nervous system.
  7. Melatonin Management: Support your natural melatonin production by dimming lights in the evening and getting some daylight exposure in the morning.
  8. Sleep Tracking: Monitor your sleep patterns using a fitness tracker or app. Seeing the data can provide valuable insights and motivate you to prioritize sleep.

I hope these tips help you get a good night’s sleep. While you’re here, if you’re a busy north NJ adult looking to look, move and feel better, come join us for a FREE session at Freak Strength:

FIX your shoulder pain with these 6 Exercises

You’ve had enough… 

You’ve looked in the mirror or stood on the scale and realised, you need to take some action and get yourself back in shape. So, you start hitting the gym, feeling motivated, ready to make some gains. 

You want to get some good pressing in, so naturally you turn to the bench press, or keeping it simple you just start banging out push-ups. It feels a little off, but you figure you are just rusty, it’ll get better. 

So you keep at it. 

But instead, it gets worse, and your shoulder hurts and you’re not sure why… 

You started avoiding exercises that aggravated the pain, which limited your workouts. A lot of the fun exercises you like doing in the gym, like benching, aggravated it too much. So your workouts become stale and dull. 

So eventually, you took a break, hoping it would heal. But now you’re back where you started, and the pain is still there. 

This is a common cycle, and I understand how frustrating it is.

Why is shoulder pain so bad? 

Because it messes with everything! 

We judge our fitness progress by three simple things:

  1. The number on the scale
  2. How defined our abs are
  3. How good our arms look 

Healthy shoulders are crucial for achieving those goals. Ladies, don’t want jiggly arms, and guys, whether they are always chasing after a bicep vein or arms that rip through their suit jacket. But to do any of that you need healthy shoulders.

How the shoulder works (and why it hurts)

The shoulder is a complex joint with big muscles for heavy lifting (push-ups, pull-ups, bench press, rows) and smaller muscles (the rotator cuff) for stabilization. The rotator cuff keeps the shoulder bones in the optimal position during movement. 

When these smaller muscles are dysfunctional, the larger muscles have to work harder, leading to fatigue and pain. Often, the painful area becomes tender to the touch, and we instinctively rub it. While that provides temporary relief, it doesn’t address the underlying issue.

Shotgun Approach: A Solution

It can be tough to pinpoint the exact muscle causing the problem without specialized training. That’s why I use a “shotgun approach” – a series of exercises that target multiple areas to address the most likely culprits. 

Disclaimer: Consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program. Listen to your body and don’t push through excessive pain. These exercises are meant to alleviate pain, not cause more.

Here are the 6 exercises:

(Watch the video for the demos) 

1. Trap Rollout: Place a lacrosse ball (or similar) in a doorway or rack. Position the ball on the top of your trap (between your shoulder and neck). Find the most tender spot, look towards it, dig the ball in, then look away to release. Repeat 10 times on both sides.

2. Mid Trap Rollout: Lie on your back with the ball between your upper back and the top of your traps, avoiding the spine. Apply pressure, raise your arm overhead, and lower it. Repeat 10 times on both sides.

3. Posterior Shoulder Rollout: Lie on your side with the ball on the back of your shoulder. Apply pressure with your arm straight, then lift your arm using your other hand. Repeat 10 times on both sides.

4. Delt Rollout: Lie on your side with the ball on the side of your shoulder. Find a tender spot, roll the ball around, apply pressure, and rotate your arm up and down. Repeat 10 times on both sides.

5. Bicep Rollout: Option 1: Use a lacrosse ball or foam roller to roll out your bicep. Option 2: Lie down with a barbell across your bicep near your elbow and slowly roll it upwards. Roll until tenderness subsides. Do both arms.

6. Pendulum Swings with a Kettlebell: Set up a barbell at hip height. Place the barbell in your armpit, grab a weight with that hand, and perform four types of swings (forward/back, side to side, circles in, circles out) 10-20 times each, depending on your comfort level. Do both arms.

We hope this helps! 

While you’re here, if you’re a busy north NJ adult looking to look, move and feel better, come join us for a FREE session at Freak Strength:

For more helpful content, follow us on YouTube and Instagram @freakingadults. Don’t forget to like and subscribe!

5 Supplements For Better Health And Weight Loss

We all want to improve our health and lose weight, but sometimes the sheer amount of advice out there can be overwhelming. From restrictive diets to complicated supplement regimes, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of information. 

But what if I told you there are just 5 simple things you can start doing today and even more importantly continue to do consistently to make a real difference?

Forget the rabbit hole of dozens of pills and biohacks. I’ve been there, done that, and quickly realized even though my entire life is fitness, it’s impossible to maintain. 

If it’s not simple and easy to maintain, you’re less likely to stick with it. That’s why I’ve narrowed it down to just 5 things you need to do everyday to drastically improve your health and help you lose weight. 

1. Multivitamin: Not just expensive urine 

Let’s face it, most of us don’t have perfect diets, nobody has time to do that every single day. Taking a multivitamin acts as a safety net, ensuring you get the essential micronutrients you might otherwise be missing from your diet. While it’s not a substitute for healthy eating, it’s a convenient way to bridge the gap. Plus, there are studies that suggest it can boost your brainpower!

2. Fish Oil: More than you think

Fish oil is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, offering a wide range of benefits. From heart health and reduced inflammation to improved brain function and muscle growth, it’s a true all-rounder. Make sure you avoid farm raised fish! I recommend sourcing yours from reputable brands like Nordic Naturals to ensure quality and purity. 

3. Protein Powder: Your On-the-Go Nutrition

While whole food protein sources are ideal, a quality protein powder can be a lifesaver when you’re short on time or options. It’s not about replacing meals but about supplementing your diet to ensure you’re getting enough protein for optimal health and recovery.

4. Dark Chocolate: A Guilt-Free Indulgence

Yes, you read that right! Dark chocolate, particularly with high cacao content, has been linked to various health benefits, including heart health and stress reduction. While more research is needed, enjoying a couple of pieces daily can be a delicious way to support your well-being.

5. Quality Sleep: The Foundation of Health

Sleep is crucial for recovery and overall health. But to optimise your sleep you need to be able to see how well you’re sleeping. Consider using a sleep tracker to monitor your patterns and focus on keeping your heart rate low before bed. An easy way to do this is avoiding late-night meals and cutting caffeine intake early in the day. Caffeine has a 7-9 hour half life, I aim not to consume any caffeine after 10am. 

Bonus Tip: If you have the means, consider incorporating sauna sessions and cold plunges into your routine. Saunas have been linked to numerous health benefits, including longevity and improved immune function. Although finding the time can be hard with small kids, whenever my wife or I start to feel run down, we always prioritize getting in the sauna. 

Remember, small changes can lead to big results. 

Start with these 5 simple steps and watch your health and weight loss journey transform! 

If you have any questions or want personalized advice, feel free to reach out. While you’re here, if you’re a busy north NJ adult looking to look, move and feel better, come join us for a FREE session at Freak Strength:



Fish Oil:

Fish Oils I take: 



Article on Sleep: