Lifestyle Now vs 20’s

Q:  What age-related changes have you made to your diet/workouts/sups? Think 28 vs 38

A: This is a big topic, I will write a newsletter on this one to expand on it, but for now here’s the abbreviated version:

Diet – Like most people that get older, My life is way more hectic & complicated than it has ever been.  My need for simplifying has gone up exponentially.  I don’t make the time to weigh & prep my food anymore – I’d rather spend that time working/learning/being present with my family.  So as a result, I’ve drifted towards the carnivore diet. 

People are going to probably think it’s not sustainable, or that I’m a weirdo zealot for saying that but hear me out first…

I really like eating steak, and when I eat it I feel good.  I also really like pastries, but when I eat it I don’t feel good. I really like walnuts, hazelnuts peanuts, & some fruits & veggies, but when I eat them, I have an allergic reaction (I don’t die, I just get itchy and/or stomach aches).  So, I just simplify.  I just cut them out most of the time and I feel and perform better.  And by doing carnivore, I can literally eat as much as I want and I don’t gain weight – so it’s very easy for me to do. 

I have tried every single diet.  Keto, vegan, zone, paleo, blah blah blah.  The best I’ve performed and looked is by doing a zone diet of 40% carbs 30% fat 30% protein.  But that involved weighing every single meal and food prepping.  I did that for 4 years of college.  It was necessary for peak athletic performance for me.  That was my main goal at that time. 

Now? My goals have changed.  I want my health to be good which is primarily impacted by my bodyfat %.  Easiest way for me to do that is through fasting and carnivore. 

I do not recommend this lifestyle to everyone.  But it works for me. 

Workouts – when I was 28 I cared about the weight on the bar. I really don’t care anymore.  I just want to feel good, still have enough strength to choke someone that threatens me or my family and look good naked – so my wife still wants to look at me and so I don’t feel awful about myself.

I do a ton of bodyweight exercises now.  Decent volume, but mostly for a pump.  I’m not chasing weight.  I’m chasing consistency and a pump.  That’s it.  And that’s been more than enough to satisfy my energy & physique demands.

Supplements – I wrote a newsletter on this one.  But to simplify – instead of taking everything I can under the sun to improve physical performance – now I care about cognition, longevity & health.  To boil it down, multivitamins & fish oils EVERY SINGLE DAY. If you want more info on this sign up for my newsletter.

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About Mike Guadango

Mike is a currently a Coach, Writer & Owner for Freak Strength. He was a part of a world renowned training facility for over 10 years, studied under Buddy Morris (Arizona Cardinals) and James Smith (High performance consultant) while at the University of Pittsburgh and has also studied at various physical therapy practices. Levels of athletes he's coached include: NFL, NBA, MLB, WWE, MLL, MLS, Gold Medalists, All-Pros All-Stars, Super Bowl & NBA Champs, 1st Rounders, National Champs, All Americans and has also consulted for high caliber athletes worldwide.